Your financial well-being is up to you. There is no back-up plan for your retirement income unless you create one.
Social Security was never meant to be a sole source of retirement funds, as it only pays a fraction of your former wages. So, what’s your plan for supplemental income during retirement?
Start saving whatever you can right now, so your future self can enjoy a better retirement. The sooner you start, the better. Don’t worry if you’re mid-or-late career, there is still time.
Talk to a wealth advisor to learn about the many savings and investment opportunities to help you build a retirement nest egg. They’ll help you look at:
- How you are currently investing
- Your retirement goals
- Whether you are saving enough
- Other retirement planning opportunities
Start saving now. If you have questions, give me call at 918.342.7101. I’m here to help, even if you’re not a customer or looking to invest at this time.
Retirement Savings Milestones
Industry guidelines suggest the average worker should save at least 8 times their ending salary to replace 85% of pre-retirement income. This goal may be easier to attain by reaching smaller goals along the way. Use this chart to help you determine if you are on track for a successful retirement, or if you need to save more.
See more about There is No Back-Up Plan: