Call for Mural Artists

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The Museum Broken Arrow announced today it is extending the proposal deadline for their public art mural project, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Mural artists are still encouraged to submit a proposal for this large-scale work of art to be displayed in downtown Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, on the south exterior museum wall. This project is sponsored and funded by The Museum Broken Arrow and grants received on behalf of several organizations.  Artists can email eat0@eau0eav0eaw0 with any questions regarding mural submissions.

“We understand that many artists have been dealing with other priorities since COVID-19 struck our nation. This is why we felt it necessary to extend the proposal deadline for our mural project. This project is not only in line with our mission, but it will also serve as a sign to our community that Broken Arrow is united and looking forward to the future. We hope everyone continues to stay safe and take advantage of the museum worlds’ extensive social media outlets.  Art educates and inspires, especially during times like these.” said Brown, The Museum BA Executive Director.

The Museum Broken Arrow is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in historic downtown Broken Arrow.  In addition to showcasing local history, the Museum also offers events, educational opportunities and facility rental. The Museum’s June COVID-19 temporary hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and by appointment. For more information, call (918)258-2616 or visit

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