MuQi Quintanilla helps clients relieve pain through acupuncture.
For more than 3,000 years, acupuncture has been practiced throughout the world. It is believed to be one of the oldest practices of traditional Chinese medicine. Many people who have exhausted their efforts with traditional Western medicine are now turning to acupuncture as an effective pain relief alternative to drugs, physical therapy and sometimes even surgery.
Acupuncture practitioner MuQi (pronounced Mookie) Quintanilla explains that while pharmaceuticals work to block pain, acupuncture stimulates nerves to elicit a healing response. “The human body has an innate capability of healing itself,” he says. “When a body system is out of balance, pain or illness occurs. Energy stimulation through acupuncture restores the balance so the body can heal itself.”
Starting in Irving, Texas 18 years ago, MuQi now practices at Balance Point, located at 9242-L S. Sheridan Rd. in Tulsa. Most of his clients seek relief from knee, shoulder, hip, back, chronic or migraine headache pain. He has also helped clients with infertility issues, high blood pressure, panic attacks and idiopathic or unexplained symptoms. One client shares her story on the Balance Point website:
“I have been going to MuQi for acupuncture treatments, nutritional advice and homeopathy for approximately six years. It all started when I lost vision in my right eye, and through acupuncture and homeopathy I was able to give my body the support it needed to heal. Because of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis five years ago, he has seen me through numb arms and legs, lack of muscle control and fatigue. He has helped me to deal with the symptoms of the disease through his knowledge of getting the body back into balance through acupuncture and strengthening my immune system through nutrition. Since my body is stronger, I have fewer issues from the MS and have been able to have little progression in my symptoms. He has helped me so much that my doctor has encouraged me to continue seeing him because of improvements she sees after the acupuncture.”
MuQi recalls a number of people who heard of positive results from acupuncture treatment through family and friends, but expressed a fear of needles. After a thorough consultation, he shows the client the soft and flexible needles that are no thicker than a strand of hair – far from any needle that we know. Each acupuncture needle is used one time and then discarded. “Sometimes the client will ask me when I am going to start, and I will tell them we are finished,” he chuckles. This is not unusual. The 30 to 45 minute procedure is virtually painless. Some clients have been so relaxed, they fell asleep.
It is also common for him to hear comments like, “I have been able to sleep a whole lot better since you worked on my shoulder.” That, he explains, is the integrative response from acupuncture as the body systems are once again in balance and working together harmoniously.
MuQi says he is very proud that Balance Point is recognized as a partner through the Veterans Administration. This gives him the opportunity to honor and assist Oklahoma veterans.
See more about A Different Alternative to Pain Management: