(L-R) BAYP Treasurer Krys Lambert, BAYP Chairman Jessica Adamson, BAYP Vice-Chair Jairus Daniels, Sponsor Vincent Snelling.
Peer-to-peer career groups create a space for young professionals to build self-confidence and gain essential knowledge to set and achieve work related goals. Finding ways to connect classroom subject matter, everyday life and career aspirations can be a challenge. Joining a young professionals group provides activities and access to throw yourself into the mix and experience firsthand solutions to navigating your burgeoning career.
The Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce recently launched their Young Professionals program, a valuable tool in developing business and community leadership skills, self-motivation, meeting new friends, as well as expanding career networking opportunities for
those early in their career path.
Krys Lambert, BAYP Treasurer. Krys is an operations specialist at Trust Company of Oklahoma. She attended Tulsa Community College and has been working in banking for the last several years.
“Our mission statement is that we provide the young professional’s voice to government and community leadership while ensuring diversity and inclusion for all in Broken Arrow,” says Vincent Snelling, Broken Arrow Chamber Economic Development Manager. “We strive to make a lasting impact through outreach and volunteer projects, by creating an environment for young professionals to succeed in their current and future endeavors.”
Snelling is the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce adviser of the group. “I assist in guiding the leadership team on decisions, marketing, communication, events, ideas. I provide feedback on initiatives and help them execute their programming; I am the point of contact and lead from the Chamber,” Snelling explains of his role.
Jessica Adamson, BAYP Chairman. Jessica is employed at Movement Mortgage and has spent over nine years working in almost every facet of the home mortgage lending business.
There are several committees in which members can become involved in. Career Development and Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement, Community Outreach and Events are four programs that offer participants educational opportunities as well as the chance to further their knowledge of our community. The Leadership Team consists of Chair Jessica Adamson, Vice-Chair Jairus Daniels, Treasurer Krys Lambert and Secretary Kayleigh Snider.
Groups such as the Young Professionals are beneficial in creating ways and means to improve their communities; in turn, the communities can aid these junior officials as they build experience and progress in their careers. Enhancing career networking, engaging with local businesses, strengthening community bonds, promoting dialogue between young professionals and the city and impacting legislation are all examples of the benefits of young professional groups, as well as providing a support system and offering professional development opportunities.
Jairus Daniels, BAYP Vice-Chair. Jairus is the Operations Manager for 1-800 Water Damage. Previously owning DPS Pressure Washing, he uses his knowledge for the growth and development of business from start to finish.
“We aim to increase communication with current young professionals as well as future generations,” declares Snelling. “We want to create a platform for their voice to understand their wants and needs. We are focused on attracting and retaining our homegrown Broken Arrow talent. We need to know what they are looking for in the future to make that happen. We will be working on business attraction projects, assisting and volunteering with local nonprofits, hosting events that are meaningful to young professionals, and making a big push to get more young professionals engaged in our elections and any agenda items affecting the citizens.
Help us spread the word. BAYP offers so many advantages for those beginning their careers, enhancing knowledge, community development and advancement. “The community can help us by spreading the word and supporting our future initiatives.”
Kayleigh Snider, BAYP Secretary. Kayleigh is a graduate of Northeastern State University and is currently working as Broken Arrow Neighbor’s vision and data manager.
See more about Build Your Career in Broken Arrow, Get an edge after the classroom by joining Broken Arrow Young Professionals: