Tulsa Values - January 2021 Posts

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What are the Effects of a Full Moon?

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

What can turn someone who is amiable by nature into someone who is confrontational, have unpredictable mood swings, and even become violent for no apparent reason?  It can result in more traffic accidents, increased suicides, and can even fill a hospital nursery.  What is this powerful culprit that is so invasive and, at worst, even be destructive?

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Soup Season

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

I always think of January as the perfect month for making soup since the weather is chilly, and soup warms the body and soul. This January, however, I’ll be spending most of my time in Mexico where the weather is pleasantly warm. I’ll be studying different Mexican cuisines around the country, and I’m sure soup will be on at least one of my cooking agendas.

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Jeff Galloway's: Train for a 5K/10K

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

Okay, so many of us have been indoors and gained a few unwanted pounds over the past few months.  One of the best, lowest-cost ways, to improve your lifestyle and lose weight is to set a goal and train for a 5K or 10K.  Realistically, a 5K is a great distance for a beginner; its 3.1 miles and you can prepare in just two months.  We found Jeff Galloway’s training schedule to be efficient and effective.

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It's Time for Claremore's Premier Wedding Show...

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

The idea of planning a dream wedding is thrilling and exciting, with so many magical possibilities to consider!  A one-stop-shop for all of the elements that make for most noteworthy nuptials can be experienced at the enchanting city of Claremore’s newest wedding show.  Say Yes To I Do!

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In Search of Spirits

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

With the changing leaves and a lingering chill in the air, the coming of Fall can conjure eerie inspiration.  October is a time when many find entertainment in exploring the unknown, but for some, it is a year-round endeavor.  Would you seek to find spirits in the dark?

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Guardian Angels

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

Angels are often depicted as fat little babies with wings that are sent into individual’s lives to give enlightenment, guidance, and protection.  Not a very good image for building a person’s confidence in their wisdom and supremacy.  As it turns out, however, they are very physically superior spiritual beings that are highly intelligent, very powerful and have specific jobs in the Kingdom.

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Dreams and Their Meanings

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

Many don’t realize that people get a lot done during their sleep.  They tend to clean house, so to speak, of emotions that have been in play during their day.  It’s an overnight therapy session of sorts, and it’s a time to file away those memories made.  Most of the psychological work is done during those mysterious minutes call REM or rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Bottom line, what is that nighttime movie being watched in our head?

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200+ Things to do at Home

January 19, 2021 - Posted by Values Media Services

It’s always fun to do something new, but often we fall into the trap of spending our free time the same way.  Let’s be honest, it can be quite dull and uneventful following the same monotonous routine day in and day out.  Trying new things and enhancing experiences that already make you happy helps us relieve monotony, vanquish fears, boredom and allow us to expand our minds and learn. If you’re stuck in the same old routine, it might be time to try something new.

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