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Value News Articles - Living Arts of Tulsa

The Creative Race

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Special Interest | Issue: February 2012

A real-time amazing race begins at midnight, February 3, when the 7th annual 24-Hour Video Race begins.Known as the largest video arts program in the state, this challen…

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Indulge Your Senses

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Special Interest | Issue: November 2011

The heart of the Brady Arts District will become a dazzling spectacle on Saturday, November 19 at Living Arts of Tulsa’s 17th annual Champagne & Chocolate gala, holiday art sale and silent auction.

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Celebrating Life

By: Joshua Danker-Dake | Category: Other | Issue: October 2011

On the evening of Tuesday, November 1, Living Arts of Tulsa’s Day of the Dead arts festival offers a special celebration of Mexican culture and arts, including music, …

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Summer Camp for Young Artists

By: Susan Erler | Category: Recreation/Leisure | Issue: July 2011

With summer now in full swing, parents are faced with an unending selection of camp opportunities for their children. Each camp offers different choices and focuses on different activities.

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Champagne & Chocolate

By: Joshua Danker-Dake | Category: Recreation/Leisure | Issue: November 2010

On Saturday, November 20, Living Arts of Tulsa is hosting its annual “Champagne & Chocolate” gala and holiday art sale and silent auction fundraiser.

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Living with Art in the Garden Tour

By: Sheryl Sowell | Category: Recreation/Leisure | Issue: September 2010

Every year, art lovers and garden lovers unite at the annual Living with Art in the Garden Tour, presented by Living Arts of Tulsa.

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Day of the Dead Festival

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Recreation/Leisure | Issue: October 2009

At first glance, it’s a bit like Memorial Day meets Mardi Gras.

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