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Value News Articles - Demand Project, The

Be a Hero at the Tee with The Demand Project

By: Macy Goodnight | Category: Special Interest | Issue: June 2021

On June 28, they will host their annual golf tournament at the world-renowned Golf Club of Oklahoma, where participants will "Drive Out Human Trafficking." The tourney will begin at 8:30 a.m., with an awards ceremony at 2 p.m. A hole-in-one prize will be an opportunity to drive away in a new car, sponsored by Mark Allen Chevrolet. Mathis Brothers Furniture will be sponsoring numerous contest holes, including Closet to Pin and Longest Drive. Food and beverages will be served. Multiple sponsorship opportunities are available, and individuals and teams can register for 18 holes of play for a spectacular day of golf. New to this year's event, a women's affair will take place simultaneously during the games. From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., ladies may enjoy "High Tee," an elegant brunch, speakers, and some sophisticated shopping with vendors.

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A Light in the Dark

By: Macy Goodnight | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: December 2019

The Demand Project is a local nonprofit organization that works to prevent sex-trafficking, prosecute offenders, and rescue and restore the lives of the victims. Co-Founder and CEO, Kristin Weis, is one of nine individuals nationally who have been appointed to work with The White House as a member of the Public-Private Partnerships Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking. This opportunity will allow Kristin to work with lawmakers to get to the root of the demand side of human trafficking, and shine a light on the issues that enable the consumers as well as the traffickers and dealers themselves. Learn more about Kristin and the Demand Project at

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Guardians of Children

By: Macy Goodnight | Category: Special Interest | Issue: May 2018

The Demand Project began in a peaceful, Colorado home in 2004. after seeing a horrific story on the evening news, The Weis’s moved to Oklahoma and attended Victory Bible College to obtain the spiritual training they would need to pursue their goals. In 2013, The Demand Project was born. Jason says, “It was our calling to fight to protect children, to put bad guys away, and to restore victims of sex trafficking.”

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Stopping Predators, Restoring Lives

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: August 2014

In 2004, Jason and Kristin Weis were living in “the perfect world” when a headline story gripped their hearts and changed their lives.

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