Preparing for Medicare Enrollment

Attend a free Medicare education luncheon to help you or a loved one navigate the maze.

By: Audrey Taylor | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: September 2016

Cindy Loftin, of LIFE Senior Services, will present at upcoming Medicare luncheons to educate seniors and their loved ones.

Cindy Loftin, of LIFE Senior Services, will present at upcoming Medicare luncheons to educate seniors and their loved ones.

As Medicare’s open enrollment period approaches, Hillcrest’s Silver Elite program is hosting Medicare education luncheons across the Tulsa Metro area to help Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives and those soon-to-be eligible understand their options and the process.
“Navigating Medicare benefits can be overwhelming,” said Jami Fichte, senior services manager of Hillcrest. “It’s important to understand options available and, for anyone considering a Medicare Advantage plan, which health care providers are in the plan’s network and how access may be affected.”
Medicare’s open enrollment period is October 15 through December 7. For those who currently have Medicare health or prescription drug plans, this is the time when changes can be made. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recommend beneficiaries review their coverage annually to ensure the best fit for their budget and health needs. Those turning 65 should begin looking at options three months before their birthday.
Hillcrest’s Silver Elite program will hold three educational luncheons in different parts of the greater Tulsa area titled the “ABCs & Ds of Medicare”: Sept. 22 at the Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills in Tulsa; Sept. 27 at Bailey Medical Center in Owasso; Oct. 5 at the Claremore Conference Center in Claremore.
Complimentary meals will be served at 11:30 a.m. with the presentations from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Booths with information from local organizations will also be available.
Cindy Loftin, coordinator of the Medicare Assistance Program at LIFE Senior Services (which provides free, unbiased Medicare counseling) will present and answer questions. She will discuss enrollment deadlines, coverage selection, and how to reduce coverage gaps or get help with the process.
Seating is limited, so please RSVP for one of the luncheons by calling
or visiting our website.
“All adults are invited,” Fichte said. “There are no requirements to attend except the desire to learn and enjoy good company.”
The Medicare education luncheons are just one of the activities provided by Hillcrest’s Silver Elite program.
Silver Elite is a free membership program designed for anyone age 60 plus, regardless of hospital/physician affiliation or insurance.
The program offers fun educational events on a variety of topics ranging from heart health and sleep care to stroke and cancer prevention. Both members and non-members are welcome to attend.
In addition to hosting educational seminars, Silver Elite also provides members-only benefits when a member is admitted to a Hillcrest hospital. Members staying overnight receive a robe and cafeteria meal voucher for a guest during normal business hours. Participating hospitals include Hillcrest Medical Center, Hillcrest Hospital South, Hillcrest Hospital Claremore, Hillcrest Hospital Cushing, Hillcrest Hospital Henryetta and Bailey Medical Center.  
For more information or to become a Silver Elite member, call the number below or visit online.

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Silver Elite

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