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How to Beat Boredom

By: Value News | Category: Recreation/Leisure | Issue: April 2020

Say, “NO,” to those words, “I’m Bored!” There are always creative things that we can do at home. You just need to put some thought and imagination into your day.  Listed below are creative, enjoyable, mischievous, practical and relaxing ideas to entertain yourself and family without spending any or very little money. Enjoy!

1. Decorate Easter eggs.

2. Break out a good book. The Bible is always good; and for other helpful suggestions and reviews, check out a website like 

3. Start a new hobby. A few ideas include knitting, stained glass, Soduku and fiction writing.

4. Try a new recipe. The possibilities are endless on Pinterest.

5. Do a puzzle. It’s a little old-school, but still fun.

6. Pull out some old board games or a pack of cards.

7. Engage in some pre-spring cleaning.

8. Rearrange your furniture. Sometimes a few moves is all it takes to make your place look new.

9. Tackle a home improvement project. 10. Plan your summer vacation.

11. Have a movie and popcorn night. Dig out an old favorite or stream or rent something new.

12. Research your family history and create a family tree.

13. Write a letter to touch base with an old friend or family member. Everyone loves getting an actual letter that’s not a bill or solicitation.

14. Watch the newest season of your favorite show on Netflix.

15. Go for a walk, even a 15-minute one.

16. Go out and shovel and clean out your flower beds for spring planting. It’s a great workout!

17. Try an outdoor activity like fishing using a tree limb, string and bread ball.

18. Have a spitball fight and rediscover a great use for your straws and paper!

19. Volunteer your time at a local nonprofit or animal shelter.

20. Have a Tele-Party.

21. Have a costume night.

22. Go on a picnic; or throw an indoor picnic.

23. Make your own ‘News’ video with your smart phone.

24. Have an indoor/outdoor scavenger hunt.

25. Plant some seedlings.

26. Have a “Movie Night” indoor party.

27. Learn to do nail art.

28. Film a cooking show.

29. Make Christmas cards.

30. Make a Scarecrow. Use newspaper and or paper towels for stuffing if straw is unavailable.

31. Have a Karaoke night.

32. Play with Lego; yep they’re fun for adults too!

33. Make jewelry using some of your no-longer-worn costume jewelry.

34. Create an English tea party for just you or the family too.

35. Plant bulbs.

36. Have a water balloon fight.

37. Learn yoga.

38. Invent a writing code.

39. Have a photo shoot.

40. Learn calligraphy.

41. Invent your own board game.

42. Have a spa night.

43. Play charades.

44. Make a family scrapbook.

45. List creative ways to say “Thank You”.

46. Learn to juggle.

47. Create a new dance.

48. Watch wildlife.

49. Make some bread.

50. Organize a budget food contest; rules are to create a dish under $10.00. 

51. Go on a YouTube marathon watching free movies.

52. Play free online games.

53. Search Wikipedia.

54. Play pen & pencil games; hangman, tic tac toe, etc.

55. Play a sentence game.

56. Learn Origami.

57. Learn about essential oils.

58. Give yourselves his and her facials.

59. Take a bubble bath.

60. Learn how to give a massage.

61. List your bad habits and a plan to break them.

62. Make a kite.

63. Color code your bookshelf.

64. Clean your car.

65. Create a vision board.

66. Start an Instagram page for your pet.

67. Sage your house.

68. Take a nap.

69. Write poetry.

70. Play a video game.

71. Read a magazine.  Value News Magazine is a good choice.

72. Draw or paint a picture.

73. Practice creative writing.

74. Play with your pet.

75. Listen to the radio or podcasts.

76. Learn a foreign language.

77. Take an online course.

78. Clean the refrigerator

79. Redo the lighting in the room you spend the most time in.

80. Refresh yourself on astronomy.

81. Use your hand weights.

82. Make a terrarium.

83. Download an app you’ve been curious about.

84. Learn an instrument.

85. Create a new Pinterest board.

86. Delete apps you don’t use from your phone.

87. Talk to your plants.

88. Prep your meals for a week.

89. Light incense and meditate.

90. Turn the lights off and watch a scary movie.

91. Color-code your closet.

92. Plan a fun weekend.

93. Study a map.

94. Stretch.

95. Organize your vitamin cabinet.

96. Clean up your email inbox.

97. Sew something.

98. Collect items throughout your home to donate.

99. Practice singing.

100. 20 Amazing places you can visit without leaving home -

101. Create a new special space for the family pet.

102. Organize your bathroom cabinets.

103. Watch (and try) YouTube tutorials.

104. Make a seasonal wreath.

105. Dust off your outdoor space.

106. Cook something new.

107. Start a blog.

108. Hang up a piece of art.

109. Make a bucket list.

110. Exercise.

111. Eat cake batter.

112. Make soup.

113. Play your favorite song on repeat until you know all of the words.

114. Have a joke contest tele-party.

115. Make a list of things you like and don’t like.

116. Design a life you will love.

101 Kids Activities to do at Home -

1. Laundry Basket Ski Ball

2. Make Duct Take Bracelet

3. Make a Life-Size Indoor Board Game

4. Coloring Contest - Put out paper and markers. For each “round” give your children a theme like an amusement park or their dream house.

5. Make Soap Clouds

6. Crayon sand Paper T-Shirts

7. Glow Sticks Dance Party - Go to the Dollarstore and buy some fun glow sticks, turn off the lights, and blast some music!

8. Make Balloon Rockets

9. Family Car Race

10. Make a Marshmallow Shooter

11. Glow in the Dark Bowling

12. Make Playdough Mats -This will keep the little ones busy for a long time!

13. Fairy Mason Jars

14. Tie-Dye Baby Wipes

15. Cardboard Light Tunnel

16. Bubble Wrap Road

17. Make a Retro Theme Day

18. Make a Cotton Swab Painting

19. Frozen Rice Play

20. The Floor is Lava Game

21. Secret Message Activity

22. Put on a Magic Show

Learn magic tricks and show family and friends.

23. Balloon Pop Rocks Experiment

Do the Balloon Fizz Science Experiment

23. Make Cupcakes

24. Hide and Go Seek in the Dark - Play Hide & Seek with the lights off using glow bracelets.

25. Mock Camping Trip - Use a play tent, sleeping bags or blankets, and flashlights. You can eat dinner in your tent and sing camp songs.

26. Make a “Restaurant” Dinner

Have your kids help you make dinner. Create menus with them to decorate and serve your spouse or neighbors.

27. DIY Giant Paper Airplane

28. Make a Collage - Make a collage with magazine pages or family photos.

29. Make Musical Instruments -

Find items around the house and construct different instruments. This teaches kids how to recycle waste into something useful and fun.

30. Make Chalk Board Slime

31. Salad Spinner Art - You can purchase a salad spinner at The Dollarama.

32. Make Homemade Jam -

33. Make a Time Capsule

34. Do Jigsaw Puzzles - You can purchase puzzles at Dollarama for $2-$3

35. Make a Sun Catcher

36. Watch Home Movies (ie. Mom & Dad’s Wedding, Baby Videos.)

37. Decorate with Puffy Paint

The Dollarama sells Puffy Paint in the art section and you can purchase a top or a hat to decorate. Make sure you let it completely dry before wearing it.

38. Make Indoor Skis

39. Make Ice Cream in a Bag

40. Make No-Sew Scrunchies

41. Potato Stamping

42. Build a Village out of Blocks or Lego

43. Make a DJ Dance Party - Go to the dollar store and get glow sticks! Dress your kids in light colors. Close the blinds and the lights and activate their glow sticks. Put on their favorite songs and have them dance.

44. Make a Snow Storm in a Jar

45. Make a Clear Water Bead Slime

46. Paper Plate Marble Track

47. Create a Jelly Fish Discovery Bottle

48. Hot Glue Gun Crafts

49. Make Ice Eggs -

50. Make a Felt Car Play Mat

51. Easy Science Experiments for Kids

52. Create a Foosball Table

53. Shaving Cream Rainbow Art

54. Puffy Paint Ice Cream Art

55. Marker Recycling Paint Craft

56. Mason Jar Aquariums

57. Indoor Hopscotch

58. Make a Scavenger Hunt

59. DIY Crayon Candles

60. DIY Lava Lamp

61. Board Game Night

62. Create Your Own Bookmarks

63. Salt Art Fireworks

64. Make a Coffee Filter Earth

65. Make Fake Snow

66. Homemade Volcanos

67. Flower Pot Craft

68. Make a Video - Bust out your cell phone or iPad, get your children to make a play. Have them practice it a bunch of times. Find or make some costumes and have them perform their play on the video. You can put it on the computer for them to watch.

69. Cardboard Box Creations

Take your children to the grocery or drug store and ask for extra used boxes.

Here are some cool ideas you can do with cardboard boxes:

70. Play Tic Tac Toe, Hang Man, Mash, and Other Paper Games -

71. Nature Art - Let your kids run around your front or back yard  and collect items in nature (ie. leaves, sticks, rocks, flowers.) Give them bristol board and glue and have them make abstract art using their findings.

72. Make Smores

Safely microwave your marshmallows.

73. Make a Playing Card Castle

74. Make Pizza

75. Science Experiments

76. Relay Races

You can create some games to play:

* Potato Sack Races (using garbage bags or pillowcases.

* 3 Legged Race using Socks or Shoe Laces

* Spoon Race (holding a ping pong ball or egg.

77. Make Edible PlayDough

78. Create Your own Shrinky Dinks

79. Make an Aquarium

All you need is two paper plates (cut out the middle of one., glue, googly eyes, foam, blue paint, saran wrap and rocks from outside.

80. Homemade Tap Shoes - Tape nickels to the bottom of your kid’s running shoes and you’ve got a pair of tap shoes.

81. Make Ocean Slime

82. Color Changing Chameleon Experiment -

83. Make Frozen Yogurt Bites

84. Candle Decorating

85. Create a Comic Book

86. Magic Water Tricks -

87. Edible Pretzel Log Cabin

88. Disney Pictionary

89. Play Shark - All you need is a folded ironing board to be your boat. Keep the kids on the boat. If they fall off, they get “eaten” by the Shark, which Mom or Dad can play!

90. Paper Towel Roll Cars

91. Edible Kool-Aid Slime -

92. Make Sand Bucket Minions

93. Have a Card Game Tournament

94. Make a High Tea Party

95. Color Shoes or Sandals with Sharpies

96. Make Your own Mad Libs

97. Exploding Bags Experiment

This one is messy but a lot of fun!

98. Make a Pet Rock

Pick a rock outside. Let the kids paint them, decorate them.

99. Sumo Wrestling Match

Make the kids are supervised during this one.

100. Make a Lego Night Light

101. Take a Virtual Field Trip

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200+ Things to Do at Home - Value News

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