By: Julie Alexander | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: May 2016
Christian Singles Unlimited conference director Mary Morris says that this conference will be an exciting time of encouragement, inspiration and fellowship for the attendees.
After 22 years of marriage, Mary Morris was divorced and unsure of what the future held. She had a lot of questions but was not finding answers. She began attending a Sunday school class geared towards singles that her church, Rhema Bible Church, offered thinking it would help with her transition into the single life.
“I thought, ‘Okay, I’m single now. What do I do?’” she said. “I had been married 22 years. I didn’t know what to do. So I went to a function at church. And the guys were over there talking, and the girls were over here talking. I thought, ‘This is what being single is about? This does not seem fun.’”
She discovered many of the women in the singles group had some of the same questions she had, and Morris decided to find the answers herself. After receiving degrees in developmental psychology and educational psychology, she took that knowledge, applied her faith and completely transformed her life. Now an accomplished singles ministry teacher and published author, Morris founded Christian Singles Unlimited 12 years ago and helps others find meaning in being single.
“We are unlimited. There is no limit to where we can go in our life and in our faith,” she said. “It’s exciting. Since I became single and started Christian Singles Unlimited, it’s been in my heart to get singles involved, get them moving. You can get stuck, and there’s no reason to get stuck.”
After starting Christian Singles Unlimited, she has focused on her singles ministry at Rhema and written two books, “Single and Wanting to be Married: Is There Anything Too Hard for the Lord?” and “Single and Thriving.” In 2015, an opportunity arose to spread her message of “living single in the Body of Christ” to a larger audience and led her to plan the first Christian Singles Conference 2016.
The event is scheduled for June 10-11 at the Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills and features local and national speakers. She hopes the event will attract singles from across Tulsa and surrounding areas that will bring their ideas and experiences to create a fellowship opportunity that will encourage and inspire singles to “ignite the fire within,” Morris said.
The event kicks off Friday, June 10 with an evening “Mix & Mingle” fellowship gathering, featuring Christian rap artist Big C along with more traditional Christian music. Saturday, June 11 is a day filled with informational workshops given by local and national speakers including Mary Morris, Dennis Franck, David Fleming, Olivia Ann DiCamilli and Jewell Griffith. Topics include living single in a sex saturated world, relationships, dating and communication, post-divorce and financial workshops and more.
Registration is $40 before May 27 and $55 after May 27. Registration is available online or attendees can print out a form and mail it to: Christian Singles Unlimited, P.O. Box 470834, Tulsa, OK 74147.
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