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A Special Heart for Children

The Children’s Ministry of The Rock Church has a focus on building solid foundations within each child, with the hopes that they will have a great relationship with God and grow into responsible young adults.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: May 2016

The Rock Church Children’s Ministry is led by Carolyn Thomas under the direction of Pastor Theresa Watts.

The Rock Church Children’s Ministry is led by Carolyn Thomas under the direction of Pastor Theresa Watts.

Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa Watts began their outreach ministry at The Rock Church in 2007. “Our Church is a multi-racial, multi-diverse congregation with a mission of serving God and loving people,” said Pastor Theresa Watts. The Rock meets each week at the Union Collegiate Academy at 6636 S Mingo Rd. Connection Classes begin at 9 a.m., Worship Services at 10, and Bible Study is held each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. at the Redskin Room on the Union High School campus.
Pastor Theresa and Children’s Ministry Teacher Carolyn Thomas have special hearts for working with children and equipping them to enter the world of adulthood with a solid foundation of Biblical principles. “Ms. Carolyn brings a whole new light to our program,” said Pastor Theresa. “Children come to church to have fun, but that’s just half the battle. They still have to face the realities of life.”
“We teach our children basic Christian principles,” added Ms. Carolyn. “We enable them with the word of God so they’ll be equipped to make good, life-long decisions.”  
“When the kids seem to be drifting away from what is being taught and not paying attention, Ms. Carolyn brings them back into focus with a sharp, ‘Kids!’ And the kids respond, ‘Rock!’ And again, ‘Kids!’ ‘Rock!’  It never fails to bring them back into focus!” said Pastor Theresa.
Ms. Carolyn is a member of The Rock Church and is a teacher with Tulsa Public Schools. She was named Tulsa Teacher of the Year in 2010. Just visiting with her and seeing her passion for teaching and for the Lord, one fully understands why she was the recipient of the honor.
The Children’s Ministry at The Rock is beginning a Super Heroes of the Bible campaign. A Biblical hero is studied and discussed each week along with the super powers – faith, love, obedience, charity – of a superhero. And each week, a student superhero is crowned for having displayed and practiced the superpowers studied. “This motivates our students to work on the superpower qualities exhibited by Biblical superheroes,” says Ms. Carolyn. The superhero campaign will end the year studying the ultimate superhero, Jesus Christ. There will be a superhero carnival and celebration for the kids, at the end of the campaign.
The Rock Church is building relationships with kids in pre-K through 5th grade. “We want our parents to understand that The Rock’s Children’s Ministry supports their households,” said Pastor Theresa. “The Rock is working on a Children’s Ministry Service Project so our kids can experience and practice giving back to God.”
“We want our kids to know that they are a valuable part of The Rock,” said Ms. Carolyn. The Rock Church offers something for every member of the family, and you’re invited to join them for a unique experience where both Billy Joe and Theresa are confident you will feel the presence of God, the love, and feel The Rock.

Duane Blankenship Profile Picture

About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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The Rock Church

For more information, contact:

Rock Church

(918) 694-7625
6636 S Mingo Rd | Tulsa, OK 74133
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