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Increase Your Energy and Immune System

Body Worx Chiropractic talks injectable nutrition for weight loss and overall better health.

By: Erica Ludwig | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: December 2016

Body Worx Chiropractic talks injectable nutrition for weight loss and overall better health.

Body Worx Chiropractic talks injectable nutrition for weight loss and overall better health.

Dr. Tony Hicks of Body Worx Chiropractic in Bixby is all about treating people, not just their conditions. He operates under what he calls the 5 Pillars of Health: Nervous System, Detoxification, Nutritious Food, Exercise and Hormones. These pillars and traditional spinal adjustments help Dr. Hicks address the need for a better solution for taking care of the body.

“Our current medical system does not work,” said Dr. Hicks. “We’re seeing cancer, heart disease, diabetes – the three top leading causes of death- increase. They are expected to triple in the next 20 years. We have the best scientists, hospitals, the best of everything, but we’re not seeing a system that is addressing chronic illness.”

Dr. Hicks’ holistic approach aims to treat the cause of the patient’s pain and not just the symptoms.

“We take the time to sit down with a patient and find out what specifically is wrong with them,” he says. “ We like to think of it like a concierge service.”

Body Worx offers injectable nutrition to increase your energy and immune system. Three of their best sellers are MIC shots, Myers cocktail and B12/B100 injectables.

The purpose of Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) shots is to help clean out the liver, which according to Dr. Hicks, is where it all starts.

“If the liver is congested, it’s not doing its job. Your metabolism will never go faster than what your liver can produce. That’s a big reason why people who do eat right and exercise can’t get the weight off,” he said. “What the MIC does is it helps your metabolism go into super burning mode. Now you can’t just lose weight by a shot,  you have to have the right food and exercise. But the MIC does wonders for cleaning the liver up.”

Another method for helping the body is the Myer’s cocktail. This cocktail containing Caclium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B12 and B100 is injected through the vein for a stronger result than regular methods.

“It’s phenomenal for our immune system,” said Dr. Hicks. “I am able to saturate the blood system with so much vitamin and mineral content that it changes the gradient and forces nutrients into the cell. By using injectable nutrition, I can affect the body a lot faster than the normal vitamins and minerals that we take.”

Dr. Hicks also recommends his combination injectables of B12 and B100. These injections are said to help the nervous system function and help fight off pernicious anemia.  People tend to make less B12 as they age, usually 1 in 3 people over the age of 51 have low B12 levels.

“I do this to increase our nervous system function, to support the brain,” said Dr. Hicks. “The reason we inject them rather than give a pill is so they don’t get worn down through the acidity of the gut. If the gut isn’t healthy, it won’t be nearly as affective.”

Body Worx wants you to take your own steps towards better health without breaking your budget. MIC shots run at $40 per shot or come in packs of 10 for $350, as it usually takes about 10 treatments for best results. A Myer’s cocktail costs $65 while the B12/B100 injectables are $25 each.

“The best doctor I can be is to teach people how to be healthy,” he says. Dr. Hicks was awarded the designation of a Top 10 Doctor through his patient ratings.

Dr. Hicks and the staff of Body Worx Chiropractic invite you to schedule a consultation so you can enter the New Year happy and healthy.

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