Improving the Quality of Education

The Claremore Public Schools Foundation provides a way to obtain educational materials, programs and equipment for the Claremore Public Schools which is not available through regular district funding.

By: Mary Bower | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: March 2007

Claremont Elementry Music Teacher, Linda Cooper receiving a grant from the Claremore Public Schools Foundatin Trustee, Tracy Reynolds.

The CPSF was established in 1988 by a group of community citizens for the purpose of improving the quality of education in Claremore Schools. The Claremore Public Schools Foundation provides a way to obtain educational materials, programs and equipment for the Claremore Public Schools which is not available through regular district funding.  “Out of the public schools grows the greatness of the nation” Mark Twain once said.

The Claremore Public Schools Foundation is one of the top local education foundations in the state having received the 2001 “Medal for Excellence” award presented by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence to a local education foundation that has “most successfully enhanced the educational process in its community.”

Our Foundation is funded solely through the generous contributions of our donors who consist of individuals, teachers, parents, small and large business and many others who understand the value of education and the impact on our children’s future.  Each year the donations received are put into our endowment fund and the income from that fund is used to provide the various grants to the schools.

The Foundation consists of an executive director and up to 20 trustees.  The executive director is Mary Bower. The trustees are on a mission to make a difference.  This is not an honorary board but a hard working, hands-on board.

The Claremore Public Schools Foundation awarded 25 grants totaling almost $30,000 for the Spring 2007 semester. Grant awards are given out twice during the school year.  This past year the Foundation has given out over $60,000 in grants.  Several of the fall grants were for science lab materials.  The school system could provide books but were unable to provide the supplemental items that went along the text for experiments, etc.  The Foundation also funded a grant for the Jr. High to start nutrition and exercise classes.  These classes have been popular, and they hope to add more next year. There were also several grants given to the schools for books.  Since our inception, 633 Grants-To-Teachers have been awarded providing educational tools in the amount of $741,362.08! Every school site, curriculum and virtually every student in the Claremore Public Schools has been influenced by a CPSF grant.

Grant Programs
Grants-To-Teachers provide funding for innovative classroom projects, equipment and materials such as calculators, computer software, rhythm instruments, microscopes, interactive learning systems and reading, science and math lab kits.

The Experts-in-Residence program allows artists, sculptors and biographer speakers and instructors to talk to students at any grade level. School Site Grants support equipment needs or projects initiated by school-based teams of parents, students, teachers and administrators.

Scholarships for Teachers and Administrators providing funding for school staff to attend seminars, workshops and conferences to learn the most recent developments in their field.

Other Programs
Teacher of the Year honors a teacher selected by their peers.  The Foundation provides breakfast for all of the teachers at the beginning of the school year to honor this person. The Foundation also awards the honoree with a financial gift to be used for their classroom.  

Project CEEP Clothes Project which was funded by the CPSF and is housed in part of the Foundation office.  

Clothing donations are brought in, and the Project CEEP children, along with their teachers, clean and hang the donated items which also help teach life skills to the students.  This has helped so many children.

Bluejacket Memorial Scholarship Fund was funded by a donation from Mr. and Mrs. Bluejacket.  This donation became a scholarship endowment.   Every year this fund creates over $15,000 to be given as a scholarship to outstanding Claremore High School graduates to further their education at a college of their choice.

Volunteers in Education
The Volunteers in Education program began in 2002.  As the Foundation’s mentoring program.  Volunteers assist the classroom teacher by working one-on-one or with small groups of students on daily activities or special projects.  Over 50 volunteers donated more than 900 hours of service to our schools last year.  

Promoting mentoring as an integral part of our Local Education Foundation Outreach Program in our schools is our state and local foundation goal.  Throughout history, one generation is given the responsibility for passing on their knowledge, skills, and wisdom to the next.  This transfer of culture and accumulated experiences is passed on to young people by community leaders, other siblings, parents or friends.  

How can you help?  Be a mentor.  Have your company or organization make a commitment to volunteering ONE HOUR a week.  Please contact the Foundation office at 341-7535 or the website

Thank you Claremore citizens for making the Claremore Public School Foundation such a success.

For more inform­­ation, contact

Claremore Public School Foundation

(918) 341-7535

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Claremore Public School Foundation

For more information, contact:

Claremore Public School Foundation

(918) 923-4308
102 W 10th St | Claremore, OK

More about Claremore Public School Foundation:

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