How to Take Care of Your Car

Save money by learning and doing your own basic car care.

By: Kathy Smith | Category: Automotive | Issue: October 2022

South Pointe Chevrolet’s free, interactive workshops will educate you, your teen, or your group members about the importance of vehicle maintenance, safety and how to keep your car running newer, longer.

Recently, we asked Cliff Koger, Service and Parts Director at South Pointe Chevrolet what inspired him to offer these short workshops to the public.

“We lead busy lives and often take for granted that our car will operate properly. Many teens and adults oftentimes neglect taking time to learn basic auto care skills. This knowledge helps you save time and money and keeps you safer on the streets,” he said.

Koger has been in the automotive business all his life and considered basic car care ‘common sense’ when that’s not always the case, especially with ever-changing vehicle advancements in the auto industry.

He explains, “Trying to teach our kids about something we know little about can be daunting. It would be like me trying to teach mine about algebra or chemistry. Although I know enough about the two subjects to use them in everyday life, I’m certainly not well versed to the point of teaching it to my kids. I would much rather depend on the experts (teachers) to teach those things to my kids.”

That got Koger thinking … he relies on teachers to teach his kids about the things that will make them more successful in life, so why shouldn’t “we, as ‘Auto Experts’ in our field, do the same things for kids to help them be successful and productive adults? Our world has become so much about ‘what’s in it for me’ that we have forgotten to be kind to others and most of all HELP OTHERS. With that being said, I have spoken to all my staff about the idea of a program to help parents and teens. All became excited and welcomed the idea of teaching others,” Koger expressed.

His staff conversation evolved into a new program being offered about teaching basic auto maintenance skills, free of charge. It is designed as an introduction to the fundamentals necessary to keep your vehicle well maintained and safe in the long run; and pointed out that the program is not designed to teach people how to do everything on their vehicle.

“We want to teach you about things such as checking your oil, changing a spare, checking tire pressure, and basic necessary skills that will help build your self-reliance and reduce the need to depend on someone else when the need arises,” he said.

When was the last time you checked your tire pressure or changed a tire? Checked your own fluid levels and oil? Learning a few simple skills can help you avoid a roadside bind. How do you get started?

The schedule is open. To register, give Cliff Koger a call at (918) 491-7209. The individual one-on-one (one person with one technician) program will take about one hour.

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