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Conservative, Constitutional, Christian

Kevin McDugle, who is in the running for District 39 of the Oklahoma Senate, hopes to lead the state as the Founding Fathers intended for government to be operated.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Consumer News | Issue: June 2012

As Oklahoma’s District 39 Senator, Kevin McDugle wants to get back to the basics of running our government in a Christian, conservative and constitutional manner, like the Founding Fathers intended.

As Oklahoma’s District 39 Senator, Kevin McDugle wants to get back to the basics of running our government in a Christian, conservative and constitutional manner, like the Founding Fathers intended.

Kevin McDugle claims he ­doesn’t have a political bone in his body. He just sees a broken political system and, if elected as Oklahoma District 39 State Senator, he’s planning to do something about it.  

Running on the Republican ticket, Kevin’s approach to government is far from the status quo of lobbying, calling in favors and borrowing. “The Founding Fathers got it right,” he says. They set the groundwork on faith, family and freedom. And that’s the back-to-basics approach McDugle takes in life and in the way he believes our state ­government should be run.

The Oklahoma farm boy who calls himself a conservative constitutional Christian was born in Pawnee and raised on a small livestock farm in Cleveland. At 12 years old, he gave up his baseball summers to work with his dad in his business of electrifying oil wells. “My dad taught me how to work hard,” he recalls, “and that my word means something.” He has strived to uphold these values all his life.

Like his father and ­grandfather, Kevin joined the Marine Corps right after high school. After many overseas tours, including the first Gulf War and serving as a foreign ­military liaison, he finished his military career as a drill ­instructor.

After graduating from Southern Nazarene University and earning a master’s degree in business administration from University of Phoenix, Kevin began his business career by developing and leading sales teams. He developed one ­national sales team from the ground up. He was the director of sales when the company went public with over $5 million a year in sales.

As an entrepreneur, he is the founder and CEO of Lawyer Marketing Services, Inc. and eXpect 3. His product creations help customers bring in more clients through unique ­marketing ideas and products.

Kevin believes his business success helped put his new endeavor into perspective. “We need to run our government like you would run a business,” he says. “I believe in a flat line budget. You don’t pour more money into broken systems.” That means doing away with ­federal funds and agendas that have strings attached.

The approach may seem ­different. But, as Kevin explains, that’s because we are so used to letting our state run itself in the same old way. It’s a far cry from what the Founding Fathers intended. And it doesn’t work! “I want to be the leader who steps in and sets an example for others to follow,” he adds.

He says as a conservative Christian who just happens to be running for a government office, he can boil down the basis of all of his decisions to four criteria: Is the issue Biblically based? Is it constitutionally correct? Can we afford it? Do we need it?

On political issues, he would work to repeal ObamaCare. He would support a fair tax system, second amendment gun rights and pro-life legislation.

People often ask if he could effectively represent the people of District 39 and still keep his businesses going. Without ­hesitation, Kevin’s answer is, “Yes!” Part of his leadership ­ability involves empowering key people within these organizations. As a founding member of the John C. Maxwell Team and a John Maxwell certified coach, speaker and trainer, he teaches business organizations the ­philosophy that everything rises and falls on leadership.

Kevin and his wife Tosha have five children ranging in age from three to 21. Two of the ­children were adopted from DHS. The McDugle family is active at Church on the Move, where Kevin serves as an usher.

This constitutional ­conservative Christian Republican candidate needs ­support from others who are tired of out-of-control ­government, and are willing to do something about it. Voters in the district, which at its farthest span reaches from I-244 to 101st St., are encouraged to go to to help make a conservative voice heard loud and clear in the Oklahoma Senate.

For more information, contact

Kevin McDugle for ­District 39 Oklahoma Senate

(918) 409-2101

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About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Kevin McDugle for Senate

For more information, contact:

Kevin McDugle for Senate

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