By: Shelly Robinson | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: March 2008
Stacy Spriggs and Kristi Gatton of the Arts and Humanities Council of Owasso
Drive through Owasso and you are sure to notice the numerous bronze statues of children playing, reading, swinging and engaging in a variety of active pursuits. The “Timmy and Cindy” Project is one of the most noticeable public arts initiatives sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Council of Owasso, Inc.
The council provides art and cultural entertainment through a range of opportunities each year in the City of Owasso. Besides the Timmy and Cindy Project, there are Summer Arts programs for children, a free Art in the Park summer concert series, local murder mystery dinners and the distribution of art baskets to the Owasso Headstart organization. Musical instruments and art supplies are provided for the Owasso Community Resources Angel Tree and instruments are distributed to schools for children who cannot afford to provide their own. The AHCO partners with Chik-fil-A for a special Santa Cow Day where music and art supplies are given away.
AHCO Treasurer Stacy Spriggs explained, “Many people don’t realize that there are no formal art programs in our elementary schools. Children in Owasso have to wait until the secondary years to start taking art classes. The Arts and Humanities Council helps provide training and supplies to bridge that gap. We understand the importance of arts and humanities education and how it enhances our students and our city.”
Of course, all these worthy projects cost money and that is where the 5th Annual Owasso (Timmy and Cindy) Gala comes in. This is the fourth year for the event to be sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Council of Owasso and Vice-President Kristi Gatton says they are anticipating record-breaking attendance and support.
This year’s gala theme is “A Night in the Orient” and will be held Saturday, April 19th at Old Central in Owasso. Old Central is located at 109 North Birch, directly east of City Hall. Musical entertainment will be provided by The Groove Merchants and Orr Nalp will provide catering. Chera Kimiko of Fox 23 will emcee the event and is sure to make the evening memorable.
As usual, the highlight of the evening will be the live and silent auctions. Individuals and companies are urged to donate items or services to make this fundraiser the best ever. Some of the items auctioned in the past have been airline tickets provided by American Airlines, jewelry, boutique clothing, professional services, artwork, golf memberships and limo services. Spriggs says that Cherokee Casino has always been generous and gift certificates from local merchants and gift cards from the restaurant community are always a hit.
Individual tickets will be $75 and table sponsorships are available with a slight change from previous years. A $1,000 table will again seat 8 with a name listing in the program, emcee recognition and plaque. The $1,500 table will now seat 10 and include a ¼ page ad in the program, emcee recognition, plaque and premium wine service and the $2,000 tables will seat 10 with a ½ page program ad, emcee recognition and plaque and premium wine and champagne service. Of course, all ticket sales are tax-deductible and AHCO is a 501(c)3 group that is operated by volunteers so that 100 % of their funding goes back into the Owasso community.
Gatton stressed that the date to R.S.V.P. and get your information in the Gala Program is March 28th. “We don’t want to leave anyone out, so contact us today to get in on the fun.” Auction item donations can be made through Kristi Gatton at 691-4590. Table sponsorships and individual ticket sales will be handled by Kristi Leverenz at 408-0809. You may also mail payments to “The Timmy and Cindy Gala”, Post Office Box 2104, Owasso, OK 74055. Visa and MasterCard accepted.
For Free!