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A Better Option for Back Pain

“Oh, my aching back!”

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: August 2009

Dr. Dwight Korgan and his associates offer an alternative to surgery for low back pain.

“Oh, my aching back!” Once upon a time, that burning, stabbing, constant pain in the lower back or neck meant bed rest, muscle relaxants, pain medications, manipulations, and of course – surgery. Patients could expect 6 to 12 weeks for recovery, along with dangerous or addictive drugs and the loss of many important activities in their lives.

Now there is a better option. Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma, 1408 N. Florence in Claremore, offers a non-invasive treatment that involves no surgery, no drugs and no injections, and is FDA approved. Dwight Korgan, M.D., says that he is amazed at the long-term success of Intervertebral Disc Decompression therapy, otherwise known as IDD therapy. The idea came from a team of leading specialists in their fields, including neurologists, orthopedists and neurosurgeons.

During the five years that Dr. Korgan and partners Gary Fortner, M.D., and Steven Egleston, M.D., have offered this unique alternative to surgery, they have seen a 70 to 80 percent long-term success rate for treating conditions such as herniated or bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome, sciatica, and acute or chronic back pain. According to Dr. Korgan, traditional back surgery averages about 50 percent success. And there are often long-term risks and complications.

The treatment they offer is safe, painless and comfortable to the point of relaxation. It is administered through an orthopedic decompression machine called Accu-SPINA™. The machine was specifically designed to reduce or eliminate the need for surgery.

IDD therapy through the Accu-SPINA machine works by targeting the affected area, and slowly and gently stretching the spine as it relieves pressure from compressed discs and vertebrae. This effective decompression actually promotes self healing as fluids, nutrients and oxygen are allowed back inside the affected disc.

Dr. Korgan says Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma provides the only physician-directed Accu-SPINA treatment in the area. Each carefully monitored session takes about an hour to an hour and a half. The entire program at the clinic usually involves 20 sessions.

Many patients report significant pain reduction and greater mobility after only a few sessions. They can even continue non-strenuous work during the regimen. Most go back to normal or near-normal activities without recurrence. Less than 10 percent require retreatment after completing the program.

Dr. Korgan emphasizes that the cost of IDD treatment is just a fraction of the cost of surgery. And it is usually covered by insurance. Financing is available for those not covered – “Even that runs much less than a typical co-pay for back surgery,” he says.

Patients from 18 to 88 come to Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma from as far as McAlester and the Joplin area. Many were referred from others who gained long-term relief without surgery. Sometimes they know the reason for their pain – an accident or athletic injury. “But sometimes,” Dr. Korgan explains, “people wake up one morning with severe back pain that won’t go away. There is no apparent reason.”  

Even people who have undergone unsuccessful back surgery have found relief. As long as there is no hardware in place, they too can be treated. An initial clinical evaluation to determine candidacy is free of charge.

Patients at Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma will testify to the treatment’s success and to the caring staff you’ll encounter. Barbara Jackson said, “The procedure seemed similar to going to a spa and receiving special treatment. I found time during the procedure to close my eyes and relax. I know I am better physically because I can now put my feet on the floor in the morning with little or no pain.” Jacquetta Gormly stated, “Every person was always upbeat and super friendly every time I was there. They understood how intense the pain was and helped every way they possibly could.”  

Recent studies estimate nearly 80 percent of all Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. You don’t have to let that get you down and keep you down. And you don’t have to undergo painful and debilitating surgery. Call Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma at (918) 341-1250 as your first option. They are open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

For more information, contact

Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma

1408 N. FlorenceClaremore, OK 74017(918) 

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About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma

For more information, contact:

Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma

(918) 341-1250
1408 North Florence | Claremore, OK 74017
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